
About CALW

Child and Adolescent Learning and Wellbeing Centre (CALW@UNIMAS)

[Kota Samarahan, Sarawak] – 24 October 2024 was a significant day at Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) as it proudly announced the establishment of the Child and Adolescent Learning and Wellbeing Centre (CALW@UNIMAS), a pioneering interdisciplinary hub dedicated to advancing research and innovation in child and adolescent learning, development, and wellbeing. CALW@UNIMAS aims to become the region's leading resource for improving children's and adolescents' learning and overall wellbeing.
CALW@UNIMAS employs a systemic approach, recognizing the interconnected nature of learning, development, and wellbeing. The Centre fosters collaboration among educators, therapists, and researchers to create supportive environments where every child can thrive. Research at CALW@UNIMAS focuses on two key areas:

1) Atypical Learners and Children with Learning Loss: CALW@UNIMAS is unwavering in its commitment to understanding the learning processes of all children, with a specific focus on those with learning difficulties, neurodevelopmental disabilities, and pandemic-induced learning loss.

2) Wellbeing of Atypically Developing Children and Adolescents: The Centre is dedicated to addressing the holistic wellbeing of children facing diverse challenges, emphasizing the interconnectedness of learning and wellbeing.
CALW@UNIMAS offers a comprehensive platform consolidating expertise in child development, educational psychology, learning sciences, clinical psychology, counselling, special education, neuroscience, and educational technology. This integrated approach allows the Centre to tailor its methods to meet diverse community members’ needs effectively. The Centre actively develops innovative teaching tools and interventions, particularly for children with learning difficulties.
After the launch event, four (4) information-sharing sessions took place in the Main Meeting Room, Level 1, at the Faculty of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development, UNIMAS. We were honoured to have the following experts from UNICEF Malaysia (Ms. Azlina Kamal), the President of the Dyslexia Association of Sarawak (Dr. Haironi Yusof), the Director of the Centre for Inclusive Research on Community and Disability, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (Dr. Hasrul Hosshan), and the Kuching Association of Talent Development and Welfare of Special Needs (Mdm Lim Mei Yek) to share with our staff, students, and parents experiences and lessons learned from the field and research opportunities that CALW could pursue in the near future.